Pre-Season Tour With Mick Hewitt - Day Eight

Last updated : 22 July 2017 By .

Yesterday was dominated about tickets, an unpaid bill which seems was paid in retrospect after damage was done and a camera with keys.

Twitter found the camera owner in 15 minutes thanks to LUFC grapevine.

Keys were for hotel and cost 60 Euro to replace bad day for them.

Seems a lot of fans heading for home now and we have a 12:30 date with our coach transfer to Salzburg and a change of scenery.

Boiling hot in Munich,I say good bye to Kjell Skjerven who is also homeward bound. As always mate, a pleasure.

Coach is early and we set off and get a tour through Munich. Friday traffic is as bad here as UK, a slow journey.

A new venue, Holiday Inn and a seamless transfer into our rooms.

We gather at the bar, Phil Buchan joins us on way home himself. It's cracking flags outside and there is a reluctance to venture out.

A few beers and dark rum special offers later we make tracks but only get to first pub before heavens open.

An enjoyable evening broaching a good array of subjects and stories we fail to get into a packed Indian which was closing.

Back to hotel a snack and early night for me.

Free day tomorrow.