'Follow me and Leeds United' is based on a diary Heidi kept in the '70s when she didn’t miss a Leeds United match, home or away, for seven years. It is about being a girl in a man's world when Leeds were one of the best teams in Europe. As a female it shows what lengths she had had to go to in order to follow her team and the problems/violence that she encountered for daring to be female and going to football matches. Although based on her experiences as a female football supporter following the most successful club of the era, it brings to life what it was like for all football fans to follow their team during the violence of the ‘70s. It is not just about the football, it is about the fun of following your team, the camaraderie and the ensuing lasting friendships. For anyone who followed football in the ‘70s, especially if you were one of the rare female fans, this book is for you.