Ken Bates expects to receive the support of Barnsley when his club's case is heard in the High Court, and Mawhinney was surprised to discover Barnsley's name included alongside United's on the writ sent to Football League headquarters.
Mawhinney said: "Barnsley Football Club has joined Leeds in bringing these proceedings. This surprised us as the first indication we received of any concern on the part of Barnsley in this matter was when we received the claim form."
But Barnsley chairman Gordon Shepherd was attempting to distance himself from the legal challenge today, insisting 'this is their fight, not Barnsley's.'
Support from Oakwell is believed to have been offered to Bates by Barnsley director Barry Taylor, who worked with Bates previously on a number of Football Association committees, but Shepherd's comments appear to have left Leeds standing alone in their fight against the Football League.