Plans were originally put forward by former chairman Peter Ridsdale to re-locate to wasteland close to the A1(M) link road near Stourton but because of the club's finances everything was put on hold.
But Birch is now certain that Leeds will need to move to a new stadium in order to improve corporate and sponsorship facilities.
"My one observation is that Leeds needs a state-of-the-art stadium," Birch said in the Yorkshire Post.
"How we fit that into the overall financial picture I don't know but it needs to be, in my opinion, part of the total solution going forward.
"Only if you have a stadium which is capable of generating the revenue that then enables you to compete will you be a top club in the Premiership.
"We have in the region of 1,200 corporate seats in the stadium whereas Chelsea have 5,500, Newcastle 6,000 and Manchester United around 8,000. It adds up to huge, huge differences in revenue streams.
"Arsenal have identified that problem and are looking into moving, Liverpool have too and Leeds deserve that sort of stadium."
Obviously, everything may depend on what happens to United in the next 6 months or so.