A great oppurtunity to take a share of the spoils, at least, was wasted in the 66th minute of the game when Alan Smith's weak spot-kick was easily saved by Blackburn 'keeper Brad Friedel.
"I would think Smithy is very disappointed like we all are after that game, he's worked very hard throughout the game and I was very pleased with his performance," said Venables.
"We've had some good games and some not so good games, and at this stage of the season we still need to find our level.
"We have to try and get some consistency and that's what all teams are aiming for and that's why Arsenal are at the top.
"We have a chance this week to have a whole week on the trianing field, we haven't had that for various reasons, games have been coming up very quick and we don't get many chances to work on things."